Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer's Over...Here's How to Make the Return to Reality a Little Easier

Did you hear that, the ending of summer? That alarm buzzing at you can feel like a fast, hard sucker punch to the face, so if you’re stuck hitting the snooze button once, twice, three time’s a charm, we have some tips that will help you get back on track, fit, and healthy as you return to that regular routine.

Hopefully you were able to get out and make the most of your summer while it was in full swing, go on a relaxing vacation, a fun getaway, or at least enjoy some time off from work. Cherish those times but of course they can make going back to whatever is waiting a little less appealing. Getting back to your regular eating and workout routine can sometimes be tough too; well, we helped you with ways to stay fit while out vacationing and luckily some of those things can carry over here as well.

*Get Organized: Once you’re all unpacked and home start doing all the things around the house as you normally would. Get right back to cooking up those healthy meals, hitting the gym at your regular hours, the sooner you start the easier it will be and there’s no time like the present. If you’ve got a few days left before going back to the office take the time to get a jumpstart to getting back on track.

*Get Prepared: The night before you have to report in, make getting up as easy as possible. Working out first thing in the morning is ideal; you get it done, it will give you plenty of energy and make you more productive at work, and you won’t have any excuses that come up later. Lay out your clothes, have your bag packed and ready to go, even go so far as to have a quick and handy breakfast pre-packed and ready for you after. That way you can be up and out the door in a dash!

*Get Packing: Remember how we said it’s smart to pack snacks and lunches while on vaca? Well, the same rule apply here. You don’t want to wait until you’re overly famished at work or on the go that makes you dive at the first edible thing you see. Instead, take time the night before to put some carrots or almonds in a baggie, make a healthy turkey sandwich, and don’t forget to stay hydrated with water or electrolyte water!

*Get to Bed: Skimping on zzzz’s is one of the worst things that the majority of people are guilty of. Not only for fitness’ sake but overall health; fitness wise though it stagnates muscle repair and growth and will leave you feeling drained. It also isn’t doing your mental clarity any favors. It might seem like you just ‘can’t’ put that file away and it’s easy to get sucked into distractions, but you need go to bed. Set an alarm that reminds you it’s time to power down and tuck in.

*Get Realistic: Accept that yes, it might be rough those first couple of days, you might have to force yourself to get up and get that sweat session in, but once you get over the hump you’ll slip right back to your healthy habits of before. Soon enough that alarm won’t feel as early, the workday not as grueling, and the healthier fare food ever more appealing!

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