Monday, October 12, 2009

For Fast Results Try HIIT

If you want fast results and to step up your workout, give high intensity interval training (HIIT) a try. This workout is great for runners, as it will make them faster, stronger and fitter, but it can also be used by anyone who really wants to blast calories, drop weight, and tone up fast. Just keep in mind that you will get from the workout what you put into it. Higher intensity is the key here.

The best part about this workout is that if you really work it you can get more out of 30 minutes, than you would by working out at an easy steady state for over an hour!

This workout can be done running, spinning on an elliptical, or on a stationary bike.

The interval efforts should be at a pace that is hard (8 out of 10 on a perceived scale of exertion), something you can sustain for the duration of the workout. I gauge my level of effort by my ability to talk. For example you should be able to get a word out here and there but a full sentence would be very difficult. By the end of the interval you should be breathless.

Warm Up - 1 mile or approx. 10 min

1 min Interval
1 min recovery (walk or jog)

2 min Interval
2 min recovery

3 min Interval
3 min recovery

2 min Interval
2 min recovery

1 min Interval
1 min Recovery

Cool Down - 5-10 min

***I know it is hard to push yourself into such an uncomfortable zone, but this is what will set you apart from others. You need to push yourself beyond comfort to achieve superior results.


  1. Love HIIT-ing it! Seriously, probably the most effective way to get from slow to fast quickly.

    Well done Amanda, keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for this workout, Amanda. I have done it several times, especially when I am short on time, and it is very challenging. It really pushes me out of my comfort zone giving me a great feeling of accomplishment when I am done.
